17 March 2011

Direct Mail Piece: Final Copy

After correcting everything this is what my final direct mail piece looks like:

           The project was a direct mail piece. The parameters of the work was 5x7, 4 color raster, full bleed, CMYK color setting. Some requirements for the project also include: all images had to be rotated and scaled in native software and brought in to InDesign at 100%. All raster images had to have a resolustion of 300. All vector images had to be at a resolustion of 300, ungrouped, and flattened. All colors had to be changed from spot color to process color with the pantone name held.
          I choose to go with the orange background because it is the color of the "local team". The personalizable jersey on the back has the orange stripes of the team. I choose to go with the group of boys and girls because in the sporting world that his how sports are divided up into. It was a natural group already. I advertised to the boys with showing the sporting clothing boys like to buy. I also took the most common boys sport football. With girls I to wanted to take what girls like and put in some sporting attire girls like to buy.

(C) JB-Graphics All photos were taken by Jacub Bruning. The orange circle background was created in illustrator by Jacub Bruning.

15 March 2011

Direct Mail Piece: Step 2 - On Screen Critique

This is the version of the direct mail piece that I will be submitting for the "on screen critique" 
This is the front of the direct mail piece targeted at athletic men.
This is the front of the direct mail piece targeted at athletic females.
This is the back of both females and males with the "Last Name" being replaced with the recipient's  last name.

The Results Of The On Screen Critique:
I need to bring in the address to the store so people know where to go
The Asturias on the back are not needed.
I need to put LAST NAME in parentheses so the direct mail class know what to change.
The red type does not go with the pink background. To correct this I will change the background to the orange that is on my jersey so there will not be any background change. Then change the red to white.
The layers on the front (Huge Sale, Save 50%, Taner Sporting Goods) will need to be addressed when giving the files to the direct mail class in order to make sure they are layered right.
Also instead of my name in the return address box it needs to be the company name
Lastly I need to edit my photos and remove red eye.