10 May 2011

Final Project

Our Final Project was up to us completely. My project was a 10 page booklet. It was 17 by 7 and when folded became a 8.5 by 7. It was full bleed, 4 color project. My target Audience was senior high school and freshman college students coming into college who would be living in the dorms. The production cost was just shy of $1300 for printing 500 copies. When giving this out i wanted the students to choose one of the dorms and meal plans rather than living off campus on there own.
When i went to have this printed, everything went smoothly. Printing Services had no problem with my file and it was printed and put together just the way i wanted it. The only problem i ran into was a design problem. First i forgot to take a white box off around a text box and second my cover page was supposed to be cut out so you could see the housing office through the cover. However by cutting out the cover i would be cutting out words on the back of it.
Things i learned from this project is that you have to count for the full size and not just the folded size. The biggest difficulty i had when making this is that i kept loosing track which page was what. page one is not by page 2 until its folded together. and with the project being so big i learned how to manage my links better.

22 April 2011

Publication Ad

We were signed to do an ad in a magazine. My magazine is Take One. It advertises to young adults who like video games, movies and tv shows. My ad will be advertising for a fantasy show called Student Soldiers. My specs for the ad are 255mm X 186mm. The bleed was 10mm and the margin was 20mm.

The company didnt want any file other than a PDF. Also no true type font was allowed. All fonts needed to be embedded in the PDF. Everything had to open on a PC.

12 April 2011

Newspaper ad Finished

This is my final piece:
The specs for this is a 4 line by 6in for the collegio paper. The indesign file size is 7.71inX6in. 
I chose to advertise a BINGO game.
Target Audience: Anyone
Call to Action: Bring people in to play BINGO

(C) the yelling man was hand drew by Jacub Bruning and the border was created by Jacub Bruning in Illustrator. 

30 March 2011

Newspaper ad: Step 1 - Thumbs

We were given a budget of $100. Our job is to choose a size for an ad that will run in the paper. My column size is 4 (7.71in) and my height is 6in. My total cost will be $96.

I will be advertising an event call grocery bingo.
      Target Audience: Lower to middle class males and females of all ages.
      Call to action: Bring people in and play BINGO

 Here are my Thumbs and Roughs of my newspaper ad-


         We were asked to choose a logo that has recently been changed. Earlier this year starbucks relieved their new logo and the reason behind the change. Starbucks logo dates back to 1971. It was a Siren with a split tale. The logo has changed throughout their history. Each change in the logo represented a new change in the direction starbucks was going. Their new logo change is nothing different. The logo did not change very much. Simply lost the words of starbucks coffee and enlarged the Siren. CEO Schultz said that the new and old logo are different but the same. It represents that even though starbucks has been trough some tough time lately and are rebranding themselves, they will not change the things they have become known for. Such as "A unique retail experience that creates a Third Place for our customers between their homes and places of work" or "A carefully crafted offering of the finest, high-quality coffees from around the world" or even "The emotional connection that our partners make daily with our customers." When asked what the new logo change means this is what Schultz replied "Throughout the last four decades, the Siren has been there through it all. And now, we’ve given her a small but meaningful update to ensure that the Starbucks brand continues to embrace our heritage in ways that are true to our core values and that also ensure we remain relevant and poised for future growth."
        The new look was implemented in march. Everything had the new logo on it. It was not a settle change but a "BAM here it is" change. Even though they brought out the new they did not throw away the old. Starbucks made it known that after a few weeks of presenting their new look, the old cups would come out and be used until their supply was depleted. "This is very important as part of our environmental standards." said Schultz.
         Personally I like the new look. Starbucks has made a name for themselves and are known for their great quality coffee. The new logo is very familiar to the customer but has that new look giving the impression they were shooting for. I think they did a very good job.

29 March 2011

Logos and Advertisement for Businesses

The assignment was to take photos of different advertisements and logos around our home town over spring break. Here is what i got in my home town of Ellsworth, Kansas.

Maypo's Deli
 Paden's Place
(Bar and Gril)
 Reliant Roofing
 Sherman, Hoffman, Hipp Law offices
 Kurt A Williams Dentistry 
 Spooners Ice cream
 Ellsworth Village Mall
(antique Shop)
Seitz Drug Store

17 March 2011

Direct Mail Piece: Final Copy

After correcting everything this is what my final direct mail piece looks like:

           The project was a direct mail piece. The parameters of the work was 5x7, 4 color raster, full bleed, CMYK color setting. Some requirements for the project also include: all images had to be rotated and scaled in native software and brought in to InDesign at 100%. All raster images had to have a resolustion of 300. All vector images had to be at a resolustion of 300, ungrouped, and flattened. All colors had to be changed from spot color to process color with the pantone name held.
          I choose to go with the orange background because it is the color of the "local team". The personalizable jersey on the back has the orange stripes of the team. I choose to go with the group of boys and girls because in the sporting world that his how sports are divided up into. It was a natural group already. I advertised to the boys with showing the sporting clothing boys like to buy. I also took the most common boys sport football. With girls I to wanted to take what girls like and put in some sporting attire girls like to buy.

(C) JB-Graphics All photos were taken by Jacub Bruning. The orange circle background was created in illustrator by Jacub Bruning.

15 March 2011

Direct Mail Piece: Step 2 - On Screen Critique

This is the version of the direct mail piece that I will be submitting for the "on screen critique" 
This is the front of the direct mail piece targeted at athletic men.
This is the front of the direct mail piece targeted at athletic females.
This is the back of both females and males with the "Last Name" being replaced with the recipient's  last name.

The Results Of The On Screen Critique:
I need to bring in the address to the store so people know where to go
The Asturias on the back are not needed.
I need to put LAST NAME in parentheses so the direct mail class know what to change.
The red type does not go with the pink background. To correct this I will change the background to the orange that is on my jersey so there will not be any background change. Then change the red to white.
The layers on the front (Huge Sale, Save 50%, Taner Sporting Goods) will need to be addressed when giving the files to the direct mail class in order to make sure they are layered right.
Also instead of my name in the return address box it needs to be the company name
Lastly I need to edit my photos and remove red eye.

02 March 2011

Direct Mail Piece: Step 1 - Drafts

We are assigned to make a 7X5 direct mail piece directed for two groups. My groups will be male and female athletes.

The elements that will change on my piece will be the front background, the front picture, the name on jersey on the back, and the address.
  • Target Audience: I am promoting an athletic store to the following: 1. gender: Males; age: 13 -35, race: all; profession: high school to college sports players
    2. gender: Female; age: 13-35; race: all; profession: high school to college sports players
  • Call to Action | What I want the recipients to do
    walk in the store
    use a coupon
  • buy personalized gear

01 March 2011

Final Step: Notepad

My final draft. This is what will be printed
The design of the boy and the thought bubble was a simple design. I wanted to sell myself as creative and always thinking of new ideas. I choose to go with the reverse because I wanted to remove some of the white-space I had. This also gave me a very solid border.

24 February 2011

Notepad: Stage 2 - On Screen Critique

Today in class we took our pdf of the notepads and put them up on screen so the class could critique them. This is the notepad that I have created and displayed for the critique.

 *Even White Space around the QR code
*The Blog address is repetitive as the QR code takes the viewer there.
*Designer would be better on the same line as Jacub Bruning so it will center on the address

(C) Boy, thinking bubbles, JB Graphics Logo, were created by Jacub Bruning in Adobe Illustrator CS5.

20 February 2011

Notepad: Stage 1- Sketches

Our project is a self advertising 5X7 notepad. Here are my sketches and roughs.
The Audience is any potential clients.
The purpose is to promote myself as an illustrator and designer. 
The call to action is to get the client or potential employer interested in me and my work.

Sketches 1-10
My 2 roughs

18 February 2011

Project Quotes

NOTE PADS (5 X 7)-
Uncoated: Hammermill 28# Color Copy 5X7
Front: Black
Production Digital Copies
Cut: To FinSz (10 Cuts/Sheet)
Pad: Chipboard back
Pad: In 50s

Business Card (1 Name) (500 crds)-
Full bleed
1 Side Color
UNIT PRICE: $.15       TOTAL PRICE: $75.00

Business Card (1 Name) (500 crds)-
Full bleed
1 Side B&W
UNIT PRICE: $.125     TOTAL PRICE: $62.50

Business Card (1 Name) (500 crds)-
1 Side Color
UNIT PRICE: $.075      TOTAL PRICE: $37.50

All quotes are from printing services in Whitesitt Hall.
Files prefered are CS5 packed files with a copy of the PDF with all printer's marks.

17 February 2011

Photo Format Project

       The Photo Format Project required us to know and learn how to do 4/C, Duotone, COB, Grayscale all full bleed rasters. All images have a resolution of 300.
4 Color Full Bleed Raster | saved as EPS/TI
Grayscale Full Bleed Raster | Saved as EPS/TIF
COB Full Bleed Raster | Saved as EPS
Duotone Full Bleed Raster | saved as EPS

(C) All images came from the Mac Share Folder on the Pitt State's Server with permission for use in the class Digital File Prep.