We were asked to choose a logo that has recently been changed. Earlier this year starbucks relieved their new logo and the reason behind the change. Starbucks logo dates back to 1971. It was a Siren with a split tale. The logo has changed throughout their history. Each change in the logo represented a new change in the direction starbucks was going. Their new logo change is nothing different. The logo did not change very much. Simply lost the words of starbucks coffee and enlarged the Siren. CEO Schultz said that the new and old logo are different but the same. It represents that even though starbucks has been trough some tough time lately and are rebranding themselves, they will not change the things they have become known for. Such as "A unique retail experience that creates a Third Place for our customers between their homes and places of work" or "A carefully crafted offering of the finest, high-quality coffees from around the world" or even "The emotional connection that our partners make daily with our customers." When asked what the new logo change means this is what Schultz replied "Throughout the last four decades, the Siren has been there through it all. And now, we’ve given her a small but meaningful update to ensure that the Starbucks brand continues to embrace our heritage in ways that are true to our core values and that also ensure we remain relevant and poised for future growth."
The new look was implemented in march. Everything had the new logo on it. It was not a settle change but a "BAM here it is" change. Even though they brought out the new they did not throw away the old. Starbucks made it known that after a few weeks of presenting their new look, the old cups would come out and be used until their supply was depleted. "This is very important as part of our environmental standards." said Schultz.
Personally I like the new look. Starbucks has made a name for themselves and are known for their great quality coffee. The new logo is very familiar to the customer but has that new look giving the impression they were shooting for. I think they did a very good job.