Our Final Project was up to us completely. My project was a 10 page booklet. It was 17 by 7 and when folded became a 8.5 by 7. It was full bleed, 4 color project. My target Audience was senior high school and freshman college students coming into college who would be living in the dorms. The production cost was just shy of $1300 for printing 500 copies. When giving this out i wanted the students to choose one of the dorms and meal plans rather than living off campus on there own.
When i went to have this printed, everything went smoothly. Printing Services had no problem with my file and it was printed and put together just the way i wanted it. The only problem i ran into was a design problem. First i forgot to take a white box off around a text box and second my cover page was supposed to be cut out so you could see the housing office through the cover. However by cutting out the cover i would be cutting out words on the back of it.
Things i learned from this project is that you have to count for the full size and not just the folded size. The biggest difficulty i had when making this is that i kept loosing track which page was what. page one is not by page 2 until its folded together. and with the project being so big i learned how to manage my links better.